My Angel Knows

On days when I'm tired and can't go on,

My Angel wraps me in an angel hug

To let me rest until my weariness is gone.

On days when I'm down and feeling so blue,

My Angel knows, and wraps me in an

angel hug to tenderly help cheer me.

On days when I'm hurting...
really feeling the pain,

My Angel knows, and tenderly wraps me in

a blanket of love to give me courage

and keep me sane.

On those nights when I'm lonely,

My Angel knows, and she gently enfolds

me in her wings, and gives me comfort

to let me know she is still around.

And on those days when I'm happy,

and things are going just right...

My Angel knows, and says a prayer

of thanks.

Day or matter what...

My Angel is always close by to guard

and protect me. Til someday I have

my own wings to fly.

Author Unknown

This Midi is: "How Great Thou Art"