~Our Miracle Baby~
"Through Gramma's Eyes"
On October 13, 1992, at 8:13PM...the 13th member
of my family arrived! Ashlee Marie was born 15 weeks
early, weighed 1 lb. 4 oz. and was only 12 1/2 inches
long! She was one of the tiniest babies in the Arnot Ogden
Medical Center NICU. The doctors warned us of the
many obstacles ahead of her in her fight to survive. Despite
those many battles...pneumonia, 6 blood transfusions, infections,
very underdeveloped lungs, etc.... she survived with NO
lingering medical problems! After 101 days in NICU,
she came home to a very grateful family. She is now a
healthy, happy, very active 11 year old, and we now have
an acute awareness for the fabulous work performed by all
NICU doctors, nurses, and technicians. We believe totally
in the Power of Prayer!!!
May I share this poem I wrote for Ashlee in honor
of her first birthday?
"One Little Miracle"
One little miracle, too much to ask?
One little miracle, too great a task?
The prayers were flowing from coast to coast
For one little miracle...she needed it most.
For the day she was born, her chances were slim
She needed our prayers... mostly, she needed Him.
He answered our prayers, He heeded our call
She's now one year old, the best baby of all!
Thank you Dear Lord, for this miracle tot
Who has brightened our lives with love... oh, such a lot!
To her Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins, she's so precious and happy
She brings endless joy to her Grams and Grandpappy.
But most of all, to Mommy and Dad
She's the best of miracles... they've ever had.
We thank you Dear Lord, it was all due to Thee
That we can enjoy... our precious Ashlee Marie!
Written with love, by Gram
Copyright© 1993 Ethel M. Sandstrom
How like an Angel come I down!
How bright are all things here!
When first among his works I did appear,
Oh, how their glory did me crown!
(Thomas Traherne)
Ashlee at 2 hours old!! This was the first
time Gramma saw her.
I came home from NICU and cried all night...thinking I might
see her again...but the next day, she was still with us, and
continued her valiant fight to live!
Ashlee's size compared to Mommy's hand!
Four days old! 1lb.3oz.!
This is Ashlee being held by one of her devoted nurses!
This is Ashlee and Gramma on December
14th...she weighed
2 lb. 13 oz.!
Ashlee in her "Cabbage Patch Doll
Ten weeks old! 3 lb. 6oz.!!
Ten week old Ashlee with Gramma and Grampa" Claus"
Isn't she precious?
Ashlee at 3 years!
A favorite portrait of my Sweet Pea!!
Ashlee was asked to "work" at
Walmart one day this summer.
They gave her a vest, lunch in the lunchroom with the girls,
and she worked in the craft department with Tina Wanat and her
girls. They had asked me earlier to make a poster of her
beginning in life. That poster was displayed for weeks upon a
grill that was
raffled off for CMN. (Children's Miracle Network Telethon).
Ironically, I won the grill!!!
This was given to me by a dear friend...Rainbowjb Angel!
This is a great site to learn more about Preemies!!
Please support the Children's Miracle Telethon!!
At this time, my prayers are devoted to Kaitlyn Faith...
a Preemie born in April 2004, in England, and struggling to survive!
Please add your prayers to those around the world for wee Kaitlyn.
My Wee English Friend...
Always in my prayers...
Forever in my Heart!
It was an honor to have been nominated for one of my favorite causes!!
To win.... a Wonderful Surprise for which I am extremely grateful.
I dedicate this award to Ashlee & Kaitlyn...True Miracles!!!
Please support your local hospitals and Neo-natal Intensive Care
Their expertise and dedication is truly the key to our tiny
Miracle Babies
coming home to us.
I am so pleased to present you with my
Award for Courage
for your sweet little Ashlee who fought
the battle of her life and won!
May God always bless her and
walk with her all the days of her life.
This midi is "Wind Beneath My Wings"
(Ashlee is "My Hero"... for the battle she fought to survive!)
Updated August 7, 2004
(Click on the above wings to fly to, and sign my guestbook!)