What is a grandchild?
A grandchild is unconditional love...
A grandchild is an extension of the one who
matters most in your life...your own child!
A grandchild touches your heart from the
first moment of birth. In a way you never
dreamed possible.
A grandchild carries your hopes and dreams,
yet to be...a future filled with love and happy times.
A grandchild means hugs and kisses, given to
warm your heart and fill it with fond memories.
A grandchild means pride in watching them
grow, pain when they stumble, and more pride
when they rise above obstacles before them.
A grandchild is your window to the world, seen
through the eyes of an innocent child.
A grandchild can be everything you want as a
person. Nurtured and loved, they will carry on
where you leave off.
A grandchild can also cause you the most
overwhelming heartache you have ever known...
when you have to watch them leave this world
for God's Arms. For this is not the natural
order of life. And a grandparent then knows
the double pain of losing this child, and also
watching your own child in tremendous pain.
In living... Melissa brought her family the
greatest joy we've ever known. In dying...
the greatest pain we have ever experienced.
We are still grateful to God for 16 years of
her presence. We look forward to being with
her again one day.
Melissa is sadly missed and forever loved...
by her family and friends.
January 5, 1979----March 9, 1995
Written with love, by Gram
This candle burns in loving memory of Melissa.
Gone, but never forgotten.
Melissa left us on March 9, 1995 during an asthma attack.
Our lives ceased to exist at that moment in time... Our family circle
was broken... Our hearts forever saddened.
This Midi is "Hopelessly Devoted to You"